Custom Framing

Our professional custom picture framing service will cater to your every need. From a canvas that needs to be stretched and framed, certificates, sporting memorabilia or needlework, to your precious family heirlooms that require archival framing, let us help you choose the perfect frame to suit your piece from our range of picture frame mouldings and mat-boards, all completed with flair and attention to detail. All framing is done on the premises by our qualified staff, and every job is treated with great care and attention.

Our professional custom picture framing service will cater to your every need. From a canvas that needs to be stretched and framed, certificates, sporting memorabilia or needlework, to your precious family heirlooms that require archival framing, let us help you choose the perfect frame to suit your piece from our range of picture frame mouldings and mat-boards, all completed with flair and attention to detail. All framing is done on the premises by our qualified staff, and every job is treated with great care and attention.

Passionate and Experienced

Colour & Design Consultants

Kenmore Gallery and Picture Framing offers a complimentary consulting service to help you choose that special painting or selection of custom framing, and we can coordinate the hanging of your framing or art through our specialist art hanger.

Framing Consultant Service

We understand that one size does not fit all. Custom picture framing allows complete customisation of the framing including the size and individual style.


Have a custom framing enquiry?

Get in touch

    Tue ‒ Fri: 9:30am ‒ 4:00pm
    Sat: 9:00am ‒ 1:00pm

    2079 Moggill Road, Kenmore, QLD
    P: (07) 3378 0051